Coming to the Auction?

We run the auction pretty much the same as all the auctions you have been to but a tad more relaxed.

Items are put up for bid, the highest bidder wins, simple enough. If there are multiple items (such as 6 mouse pads) the participating bidders may purchase them at the same price as that of the highest bidder. If they are not sold, they go back on the auction block.

You won an item, now what do you do? Pay the Lady, Joyce Gilmour will be taking your Buckaroos at the front of the room.

Some items require the winner to contact the individual that donated the service/item, that is best handled immediately after the auction if that person is at the conference, if not you can email them to discuss it. Please do not do so during the auction.

The main idea is to have fun, so relax, enjoy. If you have never been to an auction you should enjoy your first, it will not be your last.