What to wear to MWSA Conference in Dayton?

For most of the program, we encourage you to be comfortable. Business casual is always appropriate -- meaning slacks, shirts/blouses/ sweaters and comfortable shoes. Since it is the end of September, be prepared for any kind of weather. (Long range weather shows warm and sunny early in that week turning to cool and rainy at the end.) Since there seems to be a difference in how we all experience airconditioning, we have asked the hotel to keep it pretty much in the middle of the seasonal range. So if you tend to feel cool, be sure to bring a sweater or jacket.

We usually dress up for the Banquet. That includes a wide range of definitions...some folks where tuxedos and formals, others wear dress uniforms ...some wear costumes or historical replicas. (Last year, Robert E. Lee was a stand out!) Certainly, suits or sports jackets are appropriate for men and dresses or pantsuits work for women. We will love you, however you dress...come to have fun and support your fellow authors. 

Joyce Faulkner
Author of Windshift, USERNAME, In the Shadow of Suribachi, For Shrieking Out Loud