The Value of the MWSA Website

MWSA Website and Marketing

Facebook posts do not show up in Google or Bing. If you really want to market yourself and your books, use the MWSA website.

While the MWSA website provides a lot of membership information, including Dispatches issues and content, we understand that many of you want to sell books and promote your appearances

Use the MWSA website as your primary place for MWSA news. Add your events to the calendar. Post news about your works as "blogs" and then share those to Facebook and Twitter. 

The first impulse is still to use Facebook. Break that habit. Post to MWSA, and share to Facebook (and Twitter) and you will reach a much wider audience. We are working to ensure MWSA and member books appear high in search results. Search engines consider traffic and usage when listing results. So, the more we use MWSA, the higher it is in search results.

It is all about marketing you, your books, and MWSA. The more MWSA members use the site, the better for everyone.

If you are not using the website, you are going to miss things, too.

To effectively promote your works:

  1. Create an Amazon Author Page. B&N and other services have similar pages, but Amaazon is essential.
  2. Create a few blog posts on the MWSA website.
  3. Link your Amazon page to your MWSA blog!