Author Supplied Information


  1. Books must be published and have an ISBN
  2. Books can be any length
  3. Books can be published in any year, but they will be reviewed only once
  4. Authors may appeal review one time. Lead Reviewer will assign a new reviewer.  One review will be published, the scores will be averaged.
  5. Books will be reviewed in only one format (Hard Cover, Soft Cover, Electronic, etc.)  Exception is Audio Book or scripts which are judged on different criteria.
  6. Reviewers who own Kindles, Nooks, or other electronic book readers may elect to review books in that format, however, authors are required to send published books, not ARCs. For electronic books author(s) are required to purchase a "Gift Download" to be sent to the Lead Reviewer.

NOTES for Reviewers:

Reviewer once assigned a book must receive the book within 10 days. If the book does not arrive in that time frame he/she must notify the Lead Reviewer.

It is our goal to complete reviews in no more than 90 days.

Each year, reviewers will be given the opportunity to inform the Lead Reviewer as to whether they are going to submit a book and what genre it will be.

Books to be reviewed by MWSA must follow our stated procedure.  A "Review Request Form" must be filled out completely; this includes title, author, genre, ISBN or ASIN, member number, email, address, etc. and a synopsis. If you leave blanks the form will be returned to you for completion. The Lead Reviewer is solely responsible for assigning reviewers to books. 
