Information about MWSA.

Webmaster's Corner - Blogs with Images

You can include images with blog posts. For example, this post includes an image of my "editor" Muttley. While not a military-related image, people do seem to like cats. 

Seriously, you should consider including images when you have a good photo or illustration that "fits" your blog entries. You do need to have the legal rights to the image, or the image must be in the public domain. I encourage the use of photographs you've taken with a good camera. 

Images attract readers!

Republic of Korea Service Medal

I recently discovered that this medal has been authorized for all servicemen who sered in Korea.

Criteria: Authorized for those members of the U.S. military who have served duty in the Republic of Korea to uphold the armistice between South and North Korea. Service members must have served at least thirty consecutive days in the Korean theater or 60 non-consecutive days of service - including reservists on annual training in Korea.

To read more please go to:

Facebook to MWSA Forums


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Way back when, we had this grand idea that if we created a Facebook page, we could reach a larger audience and introduce them to our cool new website.  Well... we certainly reached the audience, but we still lack members getting involved with the MWSA website and forums. 

We've recently undergone more renovations at the website to make it more user friendly without being too overwhelming.

Webmaster's Corner - New Calendar

Share your big events!

The MWSA website now includes a shared calendar for member events. Are you speaking at a library? Signing books at a store? Appearing on a radio program? Then share the event with other members. We encourage members to post events with as much detail as possible. Keep the title of the event short, please, but write as much as you need in the "body" of the announcement. The announcements will appear on the MWSA website.

MWSA Website, Dispatches, and More...

This newsletter contains important information about the MWSA website and its new redesign.


Not everyone is able to receive this newsletter. We want you to let us know you receive this email and comment on it! Do not reply via email. Visit the MWSA website link with a copy of this email letter.

Did you get this email? Let us know... 

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