
Latin Blues: A Tale of Police Omerta

Title: Latin Blues: A Tale of Police Omerta
Author: Joe Sanchez & Mo Dhania
Genre: Literary Fiction
Reviewer: Bob Flournoy

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1601790007

We don't talk about it. That's what the veteran policeman from Brooklyn’s 92nd Precinct, a good and honest cop, told his rookie partner one day. We don t get mixed up in it not the graft, not the shakedowns, not the abuse, not the endless turf battles among higher-ups. We deal with these things however we can. But we don't talk about it. One day, a good cop dies and, talk about it or not, his comrades know they have to do something about it. A tale of what went on behind the New York s Blue Wall in the roaring 70 s... Let the f**ks kill each other. That was the credo of Captain Maximilian Leopold, of Brooklyn’s 92nd precinct. But even Joe Picon, the rookie cop, knew the f**ks didn’t always kill other f**cks. When the f**ks began to converge the Jimenez Gang, the Brass Knuckle Rapist, Skinhead Ramos, turf-hungry bureaucrats, bean-counting number crunchers, and the lust-crazed Captain himself the victim who died wasn't a f**k at all. He was a good cop from another precinct, and he had been blindsided by another credo even good cops follow: We don't talk about it.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Sanchez, Joe & Dhania, Mo

WEM Phrase for February - "She/He Wrote Me a Letter"

Don't forget to submit something for the William E. Mayer Prize for Literary and Artistic Excellence for February. The inspiration phrase is: "She/He Wrote Me a Letter" You can submit anything -- essay, poem, short story, song, photo, painting, etc. The only requirement is that it be less than 1000 words exclusive of the title. Submit your work directly to me. It will be blind judged by a committee.

Announcing first issue of Dispatches Online

I hope that you all will enjoy this online version of Dispatches. I know you have been clicking away in expectation of it, but as you know, it takes a lot of work to do something new. All of you who have submitted articles, jim greenwald will be adding up your contributions and Terry Gould will be updating your buckaroos in your profile accounts. Congratulations!

Here's the link:
