Book Reviews

Reviews of books by MWSA members. Reviews appear in reverse chronological order, with the most recent review posted appearing first.
Note: Some older reviews are being reposted to this site and those will appear out of order.

God in the Foxhole: Inspiring True Stories of Miracles on the Battlefield

Title: God in the Foxhole: Inspiring True Stories of Miracles on the Battlefield
Author: Charles Sasser
Genre: Non-Fiction, Spiritual/Religious

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1439171270

God in the FoxholeA stunning collection of true personal accounts from generations of American soldiers whose faith, in the words of renowned combat journalist and former Green Beret Charles W. Sasser, “has been born, reborn, tested, sustained, verified, or transformed under fire.”From the battlefields of the American Revolution through World Wars I and II, from Korea and Vietnam to the front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan, here is an immensely moving gathering of war stories like no other—dramatic tales of spirituality, conversion, and miracles:The angelic vision that brought inner peace to an exhausted helicopter door gunner in Vietnam . . . the makeshift full-immersion baptisms of eleven soldiers on Palm Sunday in Iraq, 2004 . . . two enemies—a Nazi priest and an American G.I.—who served Communion Mass in a Belgian sanctuary in 1944 . . . the prescient letter from a Civil War army major to his beloved wife, one week before his death at Bull Run . . . the 21st-century toddler with a jaw-dropping spiritual connection to a war hero of Iwo Jima . . . and more.Fans of military history will be captivated by these transcendent portraits of survival and belief, presented by the acclaimed coauthor of One Shot—One Kill.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Sasser, Charles

America's Film Vault

Title: America's Film Vault
Author: Phillip Stewart
Genre: Non-Fiction, Reference
Reviewer: John Cathcart

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0979324300

AMERICA'S FILM VAULT: A Reference Guide to the Motion Pictures Held by the U.S. National Archives is the comprehensive new book by award-winning author and film-sleuth Phillip W. Stewart. Some of the best kept history secrets are buried deep within America's film vault. This essential reference guide unshrouds, for the first time in book form, the whereabouts of historic motion picture films preserved in the National Archives.

This treasure trove includes over 360,000 film reels that document a century of American and world history. Unfortunately, relatively few people know that these historically significant films exist, and even fewer know how to find them.

AMERICA'S FILM VAULT is an indispensable reference guide that discloses how these vintage films are organized and where to find them; exposes over 330 Government and Donated records that have motion pictures buried within them; uncovers and specifically identifies over 1,460 film titles and provides topical references to thousands more; and reveals-all with a comprehensive 2,130-plus subject index that sheds light on a vast variety of rare films.

According to William T. Murphy, former Chief of the Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Branch of the National Archives, America's Film Vault is, "...a convenient overview of National Archives and Records Administration's motion picture holdings, one difficult to obtain from any other source."

If you're ready to play detective, take a crack at the combination, and investigate the bowels of the vault, you need a guide map...and this is it! Discover "reel" treasures with AMERICA'S FILM VAULT. Check out the author's website ( for more information about this and his other books in The Historic Footage Project.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Stewart, Phillip

Book of War, The

Title: The Book of War
Author: Dwight Jon Zimmerman
Genre: Non-Fiction, Reference
Reviewer: Joyce Faulkner

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): ISBN / EAN

Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers: Throughout human history, violent conflict has been a fact of life. To know the history of war is to know human history. The Book of War recounts landmark battles that shaped civilizations from 1274 B.C. up to the present day. Organized chronologically, this fascinating survey details pivotal military events from early empires through to modern warfare. It also reveals their immediate impact and importance to history. Each entry spans two pages, with concise text and stunning images for each battle. Interspersed throughout the book are essays on innovations, strategies, or leaders that have changed the way war has been waged.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Zimmerman, Dwight Jon

Sugar, Zeroes, and Lemon Drops

Title: Sugar, Zeroes, and Lemon Drops
Author: jim greenwald
Genre: Poetry, Book of Poetry
Reviewer: Bill McDonald

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1608369811>

If you have never cried over someone who walked away, you have never loved. Poetry and love possess a symbiotic relationship. Poetry, like love, is best experienced. The deeper the experience, the better they are woven, the better the weave and the deeper the emotion. I hope my words reach into your soul. For when they do, I have succeeded and we have shared both smiles and teardrops on this, the stage we call life. May your life be filled with sugar and zeroes.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
greenwald, jim

Tears for Mother Earth

Title: Tears for Mother Earth
Author: jim greenwald
Genre: Poetry, Book of Poetry
Reviewer: Claudia Pemberton

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1607038161

This book is about a concern we should all share, keeping this planet, our home, alive for future generations to enjoy. It is about saving our planet, raising awareness, creating a concern within each person to do something rather than sitting back and wishing. I hope that something I wrote spurs you to action, to become involved in the saving of this planet. It would be hard to imagine a person not concerned enough to act to save what they have for their children, who deserve no less. That oft used phrase of “what can I do, I am only one person” rings hollow, for there is much an individual can do.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
greenwald, jim
