Fighting Bob
Submitted by Joyce Faulkner on November 28, 2011 - 00:22Title: Fighting Bob
Author: Bob Stockton
Genre: Fiction Sub-Category: Historical Fiction
Reviewed by Gail Chatfield
ISBN (for Amazon store): 1463430728
You are most suited to complete the mission that I require With those spoken words I began a ten day journey with the ghost of my great-great-great grandfather Commodore 'Fighting Bob' a journey filled with adventure, danger and conquest. I would witness the duels with British Officers while narrowly avoiding capture and imprisonment, subdue both Barbary Pirates and savage tribesmen and invade the California Territory, wresting it from rebel armies in pitched battle. Why was I selected? What skills or knowledge did I possess that I was the one uniquely qualified to carry out his mission? It wasn't long before the answer to these questions and more would be revealed. I was about to embark on an unforgettable odyssey.