Book Reviews

Reviews of books by MWSA members. Reviews appear in reverse chronological order, with the most recent review posted appearing first.
Note: Some older reviews are being reposted to this site and those will appear out of order.

Bad Boy Bert Hall: Aviator and Mercenary of the Skies, A

Discover why this book has been called "a groundbreaking biography" of Weston Birch (Bert) Hall, known as the "Bad Boy" of the Lafayette Escadrille, a WWI French fighter squadron. Pardoe's research brings about many more intriguing facts about this man famous for being an aviator and mercenary of the skies.

The Bad Boy Bert Hall: Aviator and Mercenary of the Skies
by Blaine L. Pardoe
ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1781551308

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Pardoe, Blaine L.

Silas Soule: A Short, Eventful Life of Moral Courage

Discover Silas Soule's connections with the Underground Railroad, Harpers Ferry, the Battle of the Glorieta Pass, and Sand Creek Massacre. Learn why the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes continue to honor this man today.

Silas Soule: A Short, Eventful Life of Moral Courage
by Tom Bensing
ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1457513919

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Bensing, Tom

Montreal Vortex

Title: Montreal Vortex
Author: R.K. Smith
Genre: Thriller/Mystery
Reviewer: Joe Epley

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1627097724

Sandy Coker's covert activities while attached to the NIS during his twenty plus year's service in the Air Force came in handy on one occasion just before his retirement and again after he took over the reins of Coker Industries and thought he had seen the last of intrigue, mayhem and murder. After accepting the position of Director of the multi-million dollar Coker Industries at the request of his father, Coker rounds up three of his comrades-in-arms who have also retired from military careers and offers them key positions within the company. Things seem to progress smoothly as the foursome settles into the strange world of civilian enterprise and proceed to revamp and update the company including expanding its primary interests in the logging industry and high-end electronic technology. The transformation euphoria soon exploded around them with potentially devastating results when Coker learns that his closest friend; the man who had been at his side during their escape from a North Vietnamese prison camp in 1968, has been arrested and charged with murder while on company business in Montreal, Coker gathers together the other members of his tight-knit group of associates and sets about learning the details of the charge. Traveling to Montreal together with the company's long time friend and attorney Matt Rigby and Coker's latest friend; New Scotland Yard Detective Chief Superintendant Charlie Yates who is spending the Christmas holidays with the Coker's, the group soon find themselves immersed in the ugly world of terrorism in its most terrible form. With the fate of his friend at stake, Coker uncovers a horrifying plot to overthrow the Government of Quebec and quite possibly, Canada itself. Using all the acquired skills he can muster and against the advice of his associates, Coker pursues the thin trail that would ultimately lead the group to the leaders of the fanatical group behind the plot, and end in tragedy.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Smith, R. K.

Famous Dogs: Changing History One Dog (& Cat) at a Time

Title: Famous Dogs: Changing History One Dog (& Cat) at a Time
Author: Pat McGrath Avery
Genre: Young Adult
Reviewer: Dick Geschke

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1937958345

As human companions, dogs have taken part in much of man's history and in some cases, actually created change by their actions. These stories of twenty-six dogs and a cat are suitable for adults and children who want to know more about dogs and their role in history.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
McGrath Avery, Pat

Turns: A Collection of Memoir Chapbooks

Title: Turns: A Collection of Memoir Chapbooks
Author: Nancy Arbuthnot
Genre: Poetry
Reviewer: Lee Boyland

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0982922876

A volume of short memoir chapbooks comprised of compelling narratives. The following authors and titles are featured: Deep Blue: Poems of a Navy Life Nancy Prothro Arbuthnot My Life in Shoes Pamela L. Laskin The Enigma Gerri Luce Scenes from My Life on Hemlock Street: A Brooklyn Memoir Arlene L. Mandell Learning from Lady Chatterley Gloria Nixon-John My Two Years in Priest Corps Joe Novara Notes from 1970 Claude Clayton Smith

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Arbuthnot, Nancy
