Book Reviews

Reviews of books by MWSA members. Reviews appear in reverse chronological order, with the most recent review posted appearing first.
Note: Some older reviews are being reposted to this site and those will appear out of order.

Circle of Service: Secretary of the Air Force Michael W. Wynne & the Family Business

Title: Circle of Service: Secretary of the Air Force Michael W. Wynne & the Family Business
Author: Richard P. Bessette
Genre: Non-Fiction, Biography
Reviewer: Joyce Faulkner

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0974797049

In 2008 Michael Wynne was forced to resign from the Pentagon’s top civilian post in the Air Force. Here’s the whole story ... his life story and that of his family’s service to America.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Bessette, Richard P.

Kontum: The Battle to Save South Vietnam

Title: Kontum: The Battle to Save South Vietnam
Author: Thomas P. McKenna
Genre: Non-Fiction History
Reviewer: Bob Doerr

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 081313398X

In the spring of 1972, North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam in what became known as the Easter Offensive. There were American advisors with the South Vietnamese armed forces but almost all other American forces had already withdrawn from Vietnam. When the invasion started, powerful U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy forces returned to Southeast Asia. South Vietnam's 23rd Infantry Division and its American advisers were sent to defend the provincial capital of Kontum in the Central Highlands. They were surrounded and attacked by three enemy divisions with heavy artillery and tanks but, with the help of air power, managed to successfully defend Kontum and prevent South Vietnam from being cut in half and defeated in 1972. Kontum: The Battle to Save South Vietnam is the first in-depth account of this violent engagement. It describes the events leading up to the invasion and then the battle in Kontum.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
McKenna, Thomas P.

Letters to Louise

Title: Letters to Louise
Author: Russell J. Jewett
Genre: Non-Fiction Memoir
Reviewer: Steve Phillips

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1453513019

An autobiography about a naive young man coming from a very stable and protected environment and went into the navy. As a Navy hospital corpsman, he became a combat corpsman with the US Marines. This story includes memories of events and the actual text of letters written over a period of four years to his girlfriend who was still in high school while he was in the States, Japan, and Vietnam.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Jewett, Russell J.

Mining Sacred Ground

Title: Mining Sacred Ground
Author: David E. Knop
Genre: Fiction, Mystery, Thriller
Reviewer, Marcia J Sargent


Ancestral spirits demand that Marine veteran Peter Romero protect the secrecy of a sacred burial ground, and the world becomes a stranger place than he’d ever understood. He is pitted against a psychotic anthropology professor in a life-and-death struggle through the hills, arroyos, and caves of central Arizona, and into another world.

When Romero’s cousin is murdered, the former military policeman is astonished that the local sheriff shows no enthusiasm for solving the crime. He is forced to recognize that, after a military career, greater danger lies ahead in his civilian life.

Romero takes up arms to mete out his own justice, but he must decide if he belongs to the world he sees, or to a spirit world in which he discovers the strength of his ancestors. He makes their power a part of his being. As a spirit warrior, Romero battles self-doubt, his wife’s threats of divorce, and local law enforcement who plan his murder. He confronts an armed gang bent on revenge, skirts federal agents intent on stopping him, and evades the deadly fire of a deranged sniper.

Aided by a wise tribal elder, Romero uncovers a tangle of clues that link his cousin’s death to trafficking in ancient treasures and a deadly conspiracy that centers him in their crosshairs. Romero combines his combat experience and the fighting skills of his ancestors to dispatch his enemies and protect an ancient secret.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Knop, David E.
