MWSA eNewsletter

Military Writers Society of America newsletter categories.

MWSA 2015 Survey

Please take the MWSA 2015 Survey! 

The MWSA Board of Directors is looking for input in how the organization can best meet the needs of our members. We invite you to click on the link below to give us your feedback via Survey Monkey. Your voice counts, and this is your opportunity to make it heard. Please take advantage of it and do this small survey today!

2014 MWSA anthology available for purchase!

Dear MWSA members,

Please do not respond to this email. It goes to an unattended mailbox.

Our 2014 anthology, All Gave Some, is available for purchase. The cost is $36.00, which includes shipping. If you would like a copy, please email Jim Greenwald at, with the quantity you would like, your name, and your shipping address. Jim will send you an invoice via PayPal and ship your copy when the invoice is paid.
