Challenge to MWSA members

Hi everyone, please consider the purpose mission of MWSA. We want to perserve history and support our military...this group is about writing...and supporting each other's efforts as authors...not venting about politics or defaming fellow Americans...and that includes our government...and people from the "other" party. 

HOWEVER, I do understand that politics and religion inspire us to write...and writing makes us better authors. Here's my suggestion. 

Write articles and post them to your MWSA BLOG. The rules are...1000 words maximum. The articles must be positive...we've heard plenty of complaints and rants and name calling...please spare us that...but we'd love to see you take the subject of your frustration and write a reasoned assessment of the problem of your objective description of the pros and cons of the situation...and a practical recommendation for a solution. Turn your passion into something that people on all sides of the question can look at and say, "That writer has a point I hadn't considered before." Whether you are upset by the healthcare decision, the Stolen Valor decision, the Jerry Sandusky scandal, immigration, veterans administration, the war, or any other controversial problem of the day, we will evaluate your work from the perspective of the stated rules and your writing skills. Extra points for creativity. You lose points for name calling, disrespecting a fellow American, or an argument that cannot be backed up with verifiable facts (not rumors or something you got from an email that is going around or something a buddy told you)...Maria and I will pick out the best articles...and the membership can vote for the winner who will receive 5000 buckaroos to use at the auction this fall. (You don't have to be there to participate.)

To submit an article, you have to be an official member of MWSA. Log into website and select "Add Content" and "Blog Entry"....and type away in the body of the piece. Save when you are finished...and notify me that you have posted and would like it to be considered for this writing opportunity. Let's have them all done by July 15...and we will vote July 30. Okay? 

If your article is selected, feel free to politic your fellow members to vote for it. :)


Joyce Faulkner
Author of Windshift, USERNAME, In the Shadow of Suribachi, For Shrieking Out Loud