Walk in Hell, A

Book Information:
(Links go to the MWSA Amazon store!)


Author's Summary

A powerful, emotion packed trip through the mind of a Vietnam Vet disabled with PTSD. As with too many other young boys, he was sent to an unpopular war and experienced many traumas. Even though more than thirty years have passed, the realities of the war remain. Even with the best counseling and medications, the war is only kept at bay. There is no cure. At best there is only coping. The war will never be far away. It invades his days and nights. His poetic journal is sometimes dark. It is the reality of his war.

MWSA Review

MWSA 2004 Silver Medal for a Book of Poetry


Greg A. Helle takes us on a journey through an emotional and spiritual hell with his frank and gripping prose from his first book, “A Walk In Hell – The Other Side of War.”  This PTSD veteran of the Vietnam War deals with an issue that he could not even talk about for over 25 years to anyone — rape.  He was the victim of a physical rape but it also ripped his soul in the process.  Being raped by another soldier is a subject that no one ever wanted to hear about — it just brings up too much emotional baggage for others to deal with.  Without any emotional release or counseling, Greg tried to return to that life he had on the farm before he went Nam but he was damaged goods.  His life became a living hell within him.  He cried out for help and there was no one listening.

His prose deals with issues of PTSD that many men and women can relate to.  He is not afraid to open his heart up and expose his feelings.  It is an act of total courage as he makes himself vulnerable to being hurt by society again.  It is his faith and hope that there is something better in the future that pushes him onward.  He has formed a non-profit organization that helps other suicidal veterans and counsels others like himself who have PTSD problems.  To me, he shows so much class as he has turned a life crushing event into a platform for helping and assisting others. Buying his book will help him continue funding his organization and helping more people.  So buying his book and getting an enlightening reading adventure will also allow you to help fuel this rescue mission for others. (All proceeds benefit The PTSD Alliance)


Reviewed by: Bill McDonald (2004)

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Helle, Gregory A.
McDonald, Bill
Work Type: