Transition to Duty, A Combat Medic's Tour in Vietnam with the 101st Airborne Screaming Eagles

Book Information:
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Author's Summary

The story is about my personal tour in Vietnam and the men I served
with. It begins in high school and notification of the draft, induction,
military training, orders to Vietnam, being assigned to the 101st. Airborne
Div. as a combat medic, the subsequent tour and returning home.

MWSA Review

Crawl through the jungle and dive into a bunker with Michigan farm boy turned combat medic for a blow-by-blow account of his Travel to basic training in far-away Texas and on to Vietnam where 18 year-old Doc Flory attends to his first KIA – killed in action comrade. Most of the action takes place in the far north of the country, near the DMZ and the Laos border. His unit fought in and around the AshuaValley and participated in the single largest air mobile assault of the War - Apache Snow - and the taking of Hill 937, known as Hamburger Hill.

The author’s vivid descriptions of flora, fauna, weather, pests, locals and living conditions, in addition to raw details of reconnaissance patrols and battles, relentlessly remind us of the horrors of war.  Occasional light-hearted entries provide welcome relief from battle scenes. Examples of these are Flory’s first experience with an ocean and saltwater, a C-ration fruitcake that no one will eat, USO shows and R & R in Hong Kong.

The book is illustrated with many photos and a helpful map. The last chapter comprises five pages of statistics about the war and those who fought in it.

Leo Flory’s passion and patriotism are evident on every page of this book, as is his sincerity and dedication to document his experience for other Vietnam Veterans and their families. He is to be lauded for his service to our country and for his determination to tell tour of duty in Vietnam. You’ll feel like you’re sitting around a table at the VFW having a beer with author Leo Flory as he tells his story in amazing detail.

He has accomplished what he said he set out to do:; “…cause you to laugh, cry, and wonder why.”

Reviewed by: Candace Thompson(2013)

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Flory, Leo
Thompson, Candace
Work Type: