Webmaster's Corner - Use the Site… A LOT

Google and Bing Rank 'Activity'

The two big search engines, Google and Bing, rank a website higher the more active the site. This means new content bumps the MWSA site up in the search results. That's a good thing. But, from where will all this new content come? From you!

Remember, you can add content to the MWSA site, and members absolutely should add content as often as you have anything MWSA-related to share. The easiest ways to add content:

1) Blog posts on the MWSA site. These are not personal blogs; post content about writing and all aspects of the business of writing. Share your insights.

2) Calendar events. Add your book events to the shared calendar. The more events, the better.

3) Forum replies. Though only members can read the forums, they do add to our traffic and usage statistics. Plus, forums are the best way to have "virtual workshops" on writing topics.

4) Add your writing blog to the site by emailing me the URL and any RSS feed information. I'll add any blog that includes standard RSS data. If you have no idea what RSS means, don't worry. Send me the URL of your blog and I'll do what I can.

5) Update your profile. Yes, that's content. Add as much data about your as you want to share with other members. Most importantly, include book ASIN (Amazon) data and website links!

6) Add comments to the posts by other people. If comments are allowed (they are for blog posts and forums), add a comment or two!

7) Add your Twitter account. (I believe it is working on the site properly, but let's find out now.) It will take about two days for Twitter to send feeds to MWSA.

Thank you for supporting MWSA. Be sure to help us promote all our members and their creative works. 


- C. S. Wyatt
The Tameri Guide for Writers: http://www.tameri.com

Webmaster for MWSA