Setting and Reaching Goals

I saw this quote today which confirmed to me I should go ahead and write the blog post I’d been thinking about.

“A goal properly set is halfway reached.” Zig Ziglar.

I recently biked the Chesapeake and Ohio (C&O) Canal towpath – 184.5 miles – over a few days.  I had set a goal for myself years ago that this was something I wanted to do in life.  Last May, while my husband and I were on vacation in Shepherdstown, WV, we biked a portion of the canal on our way to Antietam National Battlefield in Maryland and decided it was time to reach for that C&O Canal goal.

We planned, we rode during the bad weather on our stationary bike, and we took a series of weekend bike trips continuously lengthening our routes.  We set a goal, we stuck to it, and in the end, we had an absolutely memorable trip we will never forget.

I try to keep in shape; I know it’s good for my body and my mind.  But this event seemed to have greater meaning.  This was outside of my normal work and play activities.  This was something I had been wanting to do for twenty years.  And I did it.  I made it a priority.  I didn’t let distractions get in the way.  I had a partner who helped me keep the goal in sight.  And now I am thrilled to have experienced one of our nation’s most unique and beautiful National Historic Parks end to end.

I’ve been very reflective about this trip, and wasn’t really sure why until I realized what it was really about.

It wasn’t about the bike trip.

It was about setting and reaching goals.

Anyone else willing to share a set goal?

Valerie Ormond