W.E.M. Contest
The 2014 W.E.M. Award
This year in place of monthly word themes a basic theme is being used which fits the MWSA Mission. That theme being “Writing to Heal.”Enter as many times as you wish, only three finalists will be selected for awards.A committee of three judges will select a winner for each quarter all quarterly winners will be reviewed by three different judges and from those the three winners will be selected for awards.The piece you write must be no more than five-hundred words in length, font size 12 and the piece must be spell checked at a minimum and be about the theme of the contest [you can send a magazine article you have written, but may have to condense it to meet the word count requirement].You may also submit an original photo or print of your own creation. It must include a minimum of fifty words explaining it and its relationship to the theme [it must be sent as a jpeg file of high resolution].Quarterly winners will be published in a W.E.M. section of our 2014 anthology.Quarterly winners will receive $250.00 BuckaroosThe three finalists will receive (Gold to Bronze) $1,500, $1,000, and $500.00Contest runs from now until August 5, 2014, judges may not participate in the contest.Four DEADLINES - Nov. 10, Feb. 10, May 10, and Aug. 5th.
Email entries to: LeansToFar@aol.com