Poems for the Lord in 2 Days, 54

Book Information:
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MWSA Review

During a time of turmoil and anguish, Barbara Perkins-Brown turned to God in childlike purity of trust. With faith and humility, she crafted these poems during two days of intense soul-searching. Then she paired each poem with a companion verse from The Psalms. Reaching from the highest highs to the lowest lows, her poems engage the senses, the heart, and the mind, as well as the spirit. 

Using easy-to-understand language, Dr. Perkins-Brown pours out her thoughts and yearnings in a way that is unassuming and enlightening. Each poem gives food for thought and could be used equally well in private meditations, small group discussions, or corporate worship. Many of the poems incorporate the questions we all struggle with, yet without giving pat answers or facile explanations. 

For such a small book, 54 Poems for the Lord in 2 Days nevertheless has the capacity to bring comfort to hurting hearts, meaningfulness to questioning minds, strength to those who are weary, and delight to those who are rejoicing. This collection of poetry stays with you long after you close the cover. It is the kind of book you could refer to often, dipping in and reminding yourself why you liked it so much. While many of the poems are unapologetically Christian in content, the collection can speak to anyone who is seeking to make sense out of pain, confusion, and affliction. Whatever your spiritual journey, this book of poems can resonate with your spirit and help you begin to find clarity for your life.

Reviewed by: Betsy Beard (2015)

Author's Summary

A collection of poems written in two days--reflecting a spiritual yearning and a lyrical interpretation of the poet's Christian faith.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Perkins-Brown, Barbara
Beard, Betsy
Work Type: