Tales Mark Twain Would Have Loved to Steal


 Author's Summary

Colonel Glenn Wasson has flown over 350 combat missions as a navigator, bombardier and pilot. He was never able to overcome his fear of flying, so after 30 years of active duty in the U.S. Air Force he finally bailed out.

MWSA Review

Glenn Wasson has dedicated this novel approach of this book to his late friend Dean Hill. Dean entertained thousands of people as a Mark Twain impressionist. Dean used no makeup or alteration of any kind during his performances. Some said he looked more like Mark Twain than Mark did himself. He performed on several occasions, in Mark Twain’s hometown of Hannibal, Missouri. People said he was the most realistic impersonator of the famous humorist in the entire country.

This collection of previously published stories is an interesting read.

Reviewed by: Robert Ruehrdanz (July 2011)

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Wasson, Glenn
Ruehrdanz, Robert
Work Type: