Staff Monkeys
Author's Summary
MWSA Review
OK, you are standing in the book store doing the same thing I do “scanning a book” deciding to buy or not. You see it is written like a diary/journal and decide to place it quickly back on the shelf.
Your loss! Military or not sit down in a nearby chair and read the first ten pages or so and you will be up at the counter paying for what will become a favorite read. Written clearly with tongue in cheek and filled with loud laughter this “diary/journal” of LTC Peter Clark’s experiences in the military will have you laughing all the way through it.
If you were in the military you will identify rapidly with what happens to him and around him. If you have never been in the military you will easily identify much of this with your work experiences. Clark has a unique, almost twisted sense of humor and I look forward to his next effort
Winner of the MWSA's Honorable Mention Award for 2012
Reviewed by: jim greenwald (July 2011)