Daddy's Boots

Book Information:
(Links go to the MWSA Amazon store!)


 Author's Summary

It's Boot's task to take Daddy where he is needed, but it's Daddy's job to explain why. Being deployed is a fact of life for soldiers of all military branches. Humanitarian efforts, Operations Other Than War (OOW), peaceful or wartime missions - a soldier's duty is to be there. Sometimes it means leaving little ones behind wondering why. 
Daddy's Boots is a touching description of a few quite moments between a father and his young child as Daddy prepares to deploy.

MWSA Review

MWSA 2010 Silver Medal for Children's, Under 12

Engaged in two wars and various police actions our military and their families are under more stress at this time than ever before.

Ms. Linhart's book provides a means for young family members to understand, to cope, with the separation of their family for extended periods of time.  Difficult enough for the spouse left behind for children often traumatic.  In this short book she has provided a voice to young children, providing them with a first step at least in dealing with separation.

Deployment and military are one word, regardless of branch of service separation will occur, how it is dealt with determines much and Ms. Linhart has taken three giant steps toward helping children and parents understand.

Reviewed by: jim greenwald (2010)

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Linhart, Sandra Miller
Greenwald, Jim
Work Type: