See the Dragon: One Wolfhound's Vietnam Story

Book Information:
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 Author's Summary

How could such a small portion of a man's life affect him so much? What can happen to a man in only two years that could so profoundly reshape the entire rest of his life? Why can't a soldier just forget it and let it go? I did hold it in and kept it mostly out of mind for decades. I've asked myself those questions, and my friends have asked that of me too. I have no answer except to understand that for those few months, every moment was so intense and so emotionally filled that it somehow burns into a man so deep that it becomes like a scar on the inside, but not visible on the outside.

MWSA Review

I highly recommend this book to anyone studying the Vietnam War or whose family or friends were part of the valorous unit known as the 25th Infantry Division "Wolfhounds.

Reviewed by: Tony Lazarini (2009)

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Arndt, Don
Lazarini, Tony
Work Type: