Heart of a Lion: The Leadership of Lt. Michael P. Murphy

Book Information:
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 Author's Summary

Over the course of his short life, Michael Patrick Murphy came to personify three critically important pillars of leadership. First, before you can lead, you must positively influence others. Second, you must develop an unshakable moral character. Third, you must always act with integrity consistent with that character… an integrity and character that transcends position-only leadership and provides the all-important moral authority to lead. On June 28, 2005 LT Michael P. Murphy faced two profound moral leadership questions; the first after capturing three civilian non-combatants. The second to deliberately put himself in the enemy’s direct line of fire in a final effort to get help for his men. How Michael P. Murphy chose to answer those two questions will forever separate him from those he fought. This book details the leadership traits of the most celebrated Medal of Honor recipient since World War II.

MWSA Review

It would be simple to write a few words that appropriately sum up the life of this hero. Navy Seal, Medal of Honor, a ship named after him, the USS Michael Murphy DDG112. That short piece tells a story of heroics above and beyond. We all owe the Michael Murphy’s of our armed forces a debt for their courage and ultimate sacrifice.

He grew up on Long Island, graduated from Penn State and was accepted into a number of law schools. He decided to take another road and attended informational meetings at the Merchant Marine Academy on the Navy Seals. A path he followed for the rest of his life.

His short career in the Navy exemplified what leadership is and should be. A personification of influence, character and integrity, Lt. Michael Murphy stood tall among giants. Over and over during his entire life he demonstrated what few do, a concern for others over self.

Heart of A Lion” is more than a story of a hero it is a book of a role model for success in life. History buff, student, a person considering a military career should read about this man’s life. Lt. Michael Murphy may have died that day on the battlefield but his ability to teach and instill lives on.  

Reviewed by: Jim Greenwald (2012)

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Williams, Gary
Greenwald, Jim
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