Relaunch of Dispatches!

I'm happy to announce the relaunch of the Dispatches magazine! Pat Avery has agreed to be the editor and past president Joyce Faulkner, who did such a great job with Dispatches in the past, will be the designer. The magazine will be on a quarterly schedule and will have 32 pages. Further details to follow. I urge members who want to have articles in the magazine to contact Pat on this. I want to thank Pat and Joyce for stepping forward on this as Dispatches is an important communications vehicle for the membership. Please give them your support.

"At Ease" radio show 9 a.m. EST December 29, 2012 news

A compelling memoir, a poignant personal journey, and an action-packed, teen angst and alienation, urban-fantasy novel are the books discussed as “At Ease” rings out the New Year. It’s a surprising author mix, but tune in and you’ll see why we did it. Listen to us at at 9 a.m. EST Saturday, December 29.


Message from Macmillan


Today I received this email from the publisher at Macmillan. I am passing this on to the membership because I believe there is information that is important, regardless of whether or not you are an author for one of the New York houses.




 To Macmillan Trade Authors, Illustrators, and Agents, 

From the Stern

From the Stern

There is beauty just looking at the ocean,

It fills a sailor with deep emotion.

To stand on the stern and depart the pier,

I pray to God I can see you my dear.

But the murky color of the harbor water,

Grows clearer as the ship moves farther.

Out to sea is the destination course,

My heart feels pain and distance is the source.

Sailors know the drill of underway,
