Breastfeeding in Combat Boots is now in E-Book format!

Breastfeeding in Combat Boots is FINALLY available in both Kindle and E-Pub formats.  I have been hounding my publisher for over a year to bring my book to this format due to the high demand from deployed military personnel who want to have an electronic version of the book rather than having to carry a full-sized book in thier gear.  It is here and works great on the Kindle, the Kindle app, the Nook and the iBooks app on the iPad.  Furthermore the many weblinks I have in the book are now easily accessable for moms to gather even more information straight from the device itself.  

Reader Network: "At the Crossroads of Humanity"

I would like to welcome John E. Nevola to READER NETWORK.

At The Crossroads of Humanity

The Last Jump is a historical novel of World War II.  America had its trials and tribulations with racial and gender bias and struggled with these issues throughout the War.  A segregated military and a condescending attitude toward women made it extremely difficult for these groups to fully participate and prove themselves.  But not impossible!
