DISPATCHES Fall 2013 Conference Edition

Attached is the Fall 2013 Conference Edition of DISPATCHES. Editor Pat Avery and Designer Joyce Faulkner have done a great job, once again. As the issue doubles as the Conference program, here's an opportunity for attendees to get an advance look at what they can expect. I hope the upload works. Will also post on Facebook.





Annals of the Element

The Patriot Party, a secret organization, led by a new Senator disgusted with Washington, takes control of Congress and presidency to “restore America” to what they believe it should be.

Annals of the Element
by David Michaelson
Book Category: Thriller/Mystery
Reviewed by" Joe Epley

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0988503263

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Michaelson, David

Hanging Out With Some GI Joes

Two weeks after the death of my dog and dad, my friend Paula called to ask if I could watch her four-year-old daughter, Kaili, while she attended a meeting. I hesitated, almost said, “No, I can’t possibly put on a happy face and entertain a young child for a couple of hours. I’m still so sad.” Then Paula said, “I can take her with me to the meeting if you can’t watch her, but Kaili specifically asked if she could ‘come play with Mrs. Rodgers.’”

Play. With Mrs. Rodgers. How could I possibly say no to that?
