
Left for Dead: A Second Life after Vietnam

Title: Left for Dead: A Second Life after Vietnam
Author: John Hovde, Maureen Anderson
Genre: Non-Fiction, Memoir
Reviewer: Bill McDonald

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0816646244

Jon Hovde's journey begins with despair and the struggle to stay alive and ends with hope and the inspiration to live. As a twenty-year-old soldier in Vietnam, Hovde lost an arm and a leg when the armored personnel carrier he was driving hit an antitank mine. He was nearly left for dead when the medic at the scene accidentally took his pulse in the arm that had been severed. For weeks, doctors gave Hovde very little chance of survival. When Hovde finally returned home, the transition was not easy. He used alcohol and fast cars to cope with both the physical pain of his injuries and the emotional pain caused by uneasy stares from his friends and neighbors. The straightforward words of a highway patrolman finally opened his eyes to his reckless behavior: "Why would a guy like you, who's survived all you survived, want to come back and kill yourself on our highway?" Hovde went on to marry his high school sweetheart, realize a successful business career, and become a leader of city and state school boards. In 1998, Hovde's war story found some closure when he successfully tracked down and was reunited with the nurse who had helped save his life. He was finally able to thank her. Left for Dead is a gripping memoir that not only recounts Hovde's remarkable recovery from his injuries, but recognizes the efforts of the people who aided him - including the courageous medic who rescued him, a caring army nurse, and army chaplains. Far more than just another tale of combat, Left for Dead will stir emotions in veterans, the families of veterans, and civilians alike. Hovde's lack of bitterness and abundance of hope is a source of inspiration to anyone overcoming obstacles.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Hovde, John
Anderson, Maureen

One Bullet Away – The making of a Marine Officer

Title: One Bullet Away – The making of a Marine Officer
Author: Nathaniel Fick
Genre: Non-Fiction, Military, Memoir
Reviewer: Bill McDonald

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): B002ECETVS

If the Marines are “the few, the proud,” Recon Marines are the fewest and the proudest. Nathaniel Fick’s career begins with a hellish summer at Quantico, after his junior year at Dartmouth. He leads a platoon in Afghanistan just after 9/11 and advances to the pinnacle—Recon— two years later, on the eve of war with Iraq. His vast skill set puts him in front of the front lines, leading twenty-two Marines into the deadliest conflict since Vietnam. He vows to bring all his men home safely, and to do so he’ll need more than his top-flight education. Fick unveils the process that makes Marine officers such legendary leaders and shares his hard-won insights into the differences between military ideals and military practice, which can mock those ideals.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Fick, Nathaniel

Heart of a Hawk, Eye of the Eagle: Operation Iraqi Freedom, Seen Through the Eyes of a Father and Mother

Title: Heart of a Hawk, Eye of the Eagle: Operation Iraqi Freedom, Seen Through the Eyes of a Father and Mother
Author: Deborah Tainsh
Genre: Non-Fiction, Memoir
Reviewer: Maria Edwards

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): I0965748383

David and Deborah Tainsh were living the happiest years of their lives until the dark morning of February 12, 2004, when a six a.m. knock at the door brought the news that their son, Sergeant Patrick Tainsh, had been killed in Iraq. Patrick, David’s only child, was the pride of his life. He was the son who overcame a rebellious, drug-addicted youth to become an outstanding U.S. Army Cavalry Scout, posthumously awarded the Bronze and Silver Stars for saving the lives of his commanding officer and other soldiers before succumbing to his own wounds. In the wake of their loss, David and Deborah battle horrific grief and anger while trying to hold their marriage—and one another—together in an unforgettable journey toward healing.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Tainsh, Deborah

Love & Duty

Title: Love & Duty
Authors: Ben and Anne Purcell
Genre: Non-Fiction, Memoir
Reviewer: Bill McDonald

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0312928904

A POW and his wife recall the desperation and courage that marked his five-year captivity in North Vietnam, revealing how both husband and wife were able to remain hopeful despite a seemingly hopeless situation.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Purcell, Ben
Purcell, Anne
