
Wishing for Rain

so many words left unsaid,
like raindrops falling from the sky,
to numerous to count

so much time we had
we could talk whenever we wished

tonight there is no rain and I find myself
wishing you were holding me

I spoke a thousand words to you today
and wondered if you heard them
or were they like un-danced songs

if I screamed I love you…..would it rain again
would I hear your words
or feel only your tears as
they fell from the sky mixing with mine

Deeper Into the Pond: A Celebration of Femininity

Title: Deeper Into the Pond: A Celebration of Femininity
Author: Carolyn Howard-Johnson & Magdalena Ball
Genre: Poetry
Reviewer: Sandra Linhart

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1461159385

Part of the award winning Celebration Series, Deeper into the Pond celebrates, supports, and inspires women. "Vivid images...will speak to you of times to look forward to or to remember. These are not poems to read once. They will stay with you forever."

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Howard-Johnson, Carolyn & Ball, Magdalena

The War Museum at Oslo

I thought some of you would like to see this poem I wrote after visiting The War Museum at Oslo. It was published by Finishing Line Press, a small press that publishes only chapbooks by women. They do a beautiful job. This one has sparkly endpapers and a satin ribbon book mark as part of the presentation.

Pilots and Normal People: Short stories from a different attitude

Title: Pilots and Normal People: Short stories from a different attitude
Author: Walt Shiel
Genre: Fiction, Collection
Reviewer: Mary Sullivan

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 097465535X

Is it really possible to forget a prejudice ingrained during war? Does death really close the door to life? Can a grounded pilot find another way to return to the sky? Are physical laws the same throughout the universe? Is aviation mostly intellect or mostly emotion? Are criminals just as smart as the law-abiding? Can one man fight back against society's increasing crudeness? Do space explorers really need a spaceship? These and many other intriguing questions are explored in this eclectic collection of short fiction by Walt Shiel, which includes the award-winning "Remember."

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Shiel, Walt
