
The Seventh Angel

Title: The Seventh Angel
Author: Jeff Edwards
Genre: Military, Navy
Reviewer: Bob Flournoy

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0983008515

A military revolt in southeastern Russia puts a former hard-line Soviet leader in command of a ballistic missile submarine and its arsenal of nuclear weapons. His goal: re-ignite the communist revolution, and recapture the might and glory of the fallen Soviet Union. Without warning, Russia, Japan, and the United States become hostages in a scheme of international nuclear blackmail. When the warheads start falling and people begin dying, no one can pretend that it’s a bluff.

As the earth rushes toward extinction, a lone U.S. Navy warship must penetrate the Siberian ice pack to destroy the submarine before it can destroy the world.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Edwards, Jeff

The Untold Experiences of a Navy Corpsman: A US Navy Hospital Corpsman with a US Marine Corps Reconnaissance Patrol Team in the 1950's on covert Korean missions.

Title: The Untold Experiences of a Navy Corpsman: A US Navy Hospital Corpsman with a US Marine Corps Reconnaissance Patrol Team in the 1950's on covert Korean missions.
Author: C. Gilbert Lowery
Genre: Military, Navy
Reviewer: Dave Brown

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1456731637

The Untold Experiences of a Navy Corpsman: A US Navy Hospital Corpsman with a US Marine Corps Reconnaissance Patrol Team in the 1950's on covert Korean missions.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Lowery, C. Gilbert

Listening to Ghosts

Title: Listening to Ghosts
Author: Bob Stockton
Genre: Military, Navy
Reviewer: Bob Flournoy

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 145007653X

Listening To Ghosts is an accounting of the author's experience growing up in a Northeastern working class neighborhood and subsequent career as an enlisted man in the United States Navy before the Navy became an instrument for social engineering experimentation. Written in the first person the author takes the reader through his adventures - and misadventures - in frank, candid and politically incorrect language.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Stockton, Bob

Just thinking as I watch "Band of Brothers"

This no doubt will seem too dramatic, but this series evokes that in me. Quiet and pensiveness evokes that in me. A few years ago I made the mistake of leaving some of my writing on my desk at work. Some of my friends found it and asked me why I kept it to myself. I elected to write a small book. Doing so led me to Maria Edwards and she pushed me toward MWSA. The journey evolved to place where I find myself today. My thoughts are not about what I have written nor how I have grown. They are about the gifts I have received along the way.
