
Casualty of War

Casualty of War

By: Jon M. Nelson


With a terrified look upon his face,

I wonder what he’s doing in this place.

There are bombs exploding and bullets flying,

He’s curled up in a corner scared and crying.


I know that he did not ask to be here,

And I know he’s overwhelmed with fear.

Where are the parents of this child lost,

As he screams out in this holocaust?


I can feel his pain as I see his tears,

But his cries will fall upon deaf ears.

The sounds of war drown him out,

A Soldier's Prayer

A Soldier's Prayer

By: Jon M. Nelson


Now I lay me down to sleep,

And hope my dreams are thoughtful and deep.

I pray that tonight I’m not awaken,

By bombs exploding and the ground shakin’.


I hope that I can get some peaceful rest,

And wish that the next day will be blessed.

All I want is to sleep through the night,

So that tomorrow I’m ready for another fight.


I pray my dreams are of my family,

As I make sacrifices to keep them free.

May you watch over and keep them safe,

We'll All Die As Marines Radio Interview

I have finally published on YouTube the radio interview conducted Mr. Jay Douglas Barker of Toginet for iUniverse. It is way to long, but cutting it down to a reasonable length was way beyond the reach of this electronically-handicapped Marine Grunt. So, I added some photos throughout to perhaps relieve some of your boredom (I hope it works:-). Readers of the book will recognize the scenes in the photos even though many of them were not in the book due to space limitations.

We'll All Die As Marines: One Marine's Journey from Private to Colonel

Semper Fi! This is a true story of what it is like ot be a Marine.

We'll All Die As Marines: One Marine's Journey from Private to Colonel
by Jim Bathurst
Book Category: Memoir
Reviewed by: Richard Geschke

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1475956924

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Bathurst, Jim
