
Articles on technology and writing, such as eReaders. Software and hardware columns might also be tagged as technology related.

The Webmaster's Corner - Adding Images to Content

The new MWSA website works well with a variety of media: images, audio, video, and more. It is tempting to add media to content simply because we can. 

While many members are rushing to include media content in posts, remember that there can be "too much of a good thing" — and that's especially true of multimedia content online. Images and various media files are large. Unlike YouTube or Hulu, we don't have unlimited bandwidth or a room of servers. Adding media wisely means our website will be faster and easier to use for more people.

Technology Notes

The technology behind the MWSA website includes one of the leading content management system (CMS) platforms. While the technology is complex, that same complexity allows us to hide some great "magic" from site visitors and MWSA members. 

Some of our members are curious about the technology, but you don't have to be a "techie" to appreciate the website's power. 

Visitor Experience

Website Menus

Website visitors, which refers to anyone not "logged in" as an MWSA member, can access the most important features of the MWSA site: the online Dispatches magazine articles and book reviews. Even if you are an MWSA member, there's no need to enter a username and password if you want to read an article from the archives. 

Yes, there are lot more features for members, but we consider our first priority to be member's books and other works. 

Let us take a look at what visitors can do on the MWSA site. 

By-Laws and Guidelines/Definitions (2012)


 This organization is known as the Military Writers Society of America, and is sometimes referred to herein and elsewhere as MWSA

ARTICLE II    Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of nine members (President is the Chairman, Past-President serves one term as Board Member, the Founder as a Permanent Board Member and six elected members).
