MWSA Member

News about an MWSA member(s).

Getting the most out of your membership

Hi everyone!I thought I would share some simple things you can do to maximize the opportunities and potential benefits of your membership.1) Log in and complete your profile.  Fill in the blanks.  Make sure the proper bubbles are tagged for interviews, speaking engagements, etc.

2) Use your MWSA blog to share announcements, awards, events, etc.

3) Use the MWSA calendar to share events.

4) Comment and post on the forums.  They are here for your benefit.  Do you have a great marketing tip you want to share - this is the place to do it!

MWSA Author is covered in AIR FORCE TIMES

Michael Byars Lewis, author of SURLY BONDS, was covered in the AIR FORCE TIMES recently.  The article was written by Jeff Mullin of the Enid News and subsequently picked up by the Associated Press wire and published nationwide.  The MILITARY TIMES picked up the story and it was covered in all four of its online publicaitons, AIR FORCE TIMES, ARMY TIMES, MARINE CORPS TIMES, & NAVY TIMES.

Memoirs of an Outlaw: Life in the Sandbox

The real life story of a young man's experiences in the US Marine Corps during these turbulent times of international warfare in the "sandbox". Gritty, humorous at times, and enlightening.

Memoirs of an Outlaw: Life in the Sandbox
by Robert M. Tanner III
Book Category: History
Reviewed by: E. Franklin Evans

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1477406395

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Tanner, Robert

Back to Vietnam: Tours of the Heart

“The war was long ago. I am glad that you survived. We can now be brothers.” These words, spoken by countless Vietnamese to the authors, form the core of Back to Vietnam.

Back to Vietnam: Tours of the Heart
by R. Bruce Logan & Elaine Head
Book Category: Memoir
Reviewed by: B. N. Peacock

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): B00DELLH4A

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Logan, R. Bruce
Head, Elaine
