Bittersweet Tamed

Book Information:
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Author's Summary

The intrepid pioneers finally tame the new planet only to by
threatened with annihilation by the returning Odeon Ancient Ones.

MWSA Review

Bittersweet Tamed: Book Three of the Odeon Trilogy by David Michaelson is the final book of his science fiction adventure spanning hundreds of centuries and multiple solar systems. In the final book of the series, the two families who have made the 20,000 year trip from Earth and survived the massacre of all the other colonists on the new Bittersweet planet, have discovered others still cryogenically preserved in the planetside pods.

Initially 12 among the older humans are “awakened” so as to get their input on how to proceed with the hundreds of others. The hostile environment of the planet does not provide much food, and there is little shelter. Unfortunately, the mother ship that is still in orbit around the planet after 13 years is unwilling to send manned transports with the balance of the colonists expected supplies. This is due to the deadly pathogen that affects all who breathe the planetary air. The conclusion of the trilogy catalogues how the humans survive the deadly planet, form a governing body, work together to protect and preserve their culture, and aid the friendly aliens who have helped them.

Those who are fans of the first two books of The Odeon Trilogy will most certainly want answers to their questions and will be anxious to read how the adventure concludes!

Reviewed by: Betsy Beard (2012)

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Michaelson, David
Beard, Betsy
Work Type: