American Samurais: WWII in the Pacific - Military Intelligence Service: The Best Kept Secret Weapon in WWII

Book Information:
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Author's Summary

American Samurais WWII in the Pacific Military Intelligence Service The Best
Kept Secret Weapon. by Pierre Moulin. From Pearl Harbor to Victory in the
Pacific, all the battles in detail through their heroes in a new non-fiction
pictorial book. Nisei soldiers all over with the M.I.S., the O.S.S. and the
Counter Intelligence Corps, MIS Linguist schools, Battles in the Pacific, A
bombs, Surrender & War Crimes Trials, Occupation of Japan, the Niseis
honored, the Congressional Gold Medal and more.

MWSA Review

In American Samurai - In the Pacific Moulin has captured not just history, told and untold, but the desire of a group of Americans who wanted to show their loyalty. They were;not simply looked down upon during the war but imprisoned in camps out of fear.

Japanese Americans volunteered in droves to go fight the war for America to prove this was there country. The most decorated units in the service was an accomplishement of more than bravery but of patriotism above and beyond.

The Nisei served with honor and distcinction in the Pacific during and after the war. Serious military historians will both enjoy and be educated in this portion of a mostly untold war fought by a people that America did not trust.

They were an intrical part of the victory in the Pacific as the reader will discover in this volume based on extensive research. I recommend this book to history teachers and buffs alike, you will not be disappointed.

Reviewed by: Mike Mullins (2013)

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Mullins, Mike
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