B. A. R. MAN Browning Automatic Rifle Man

Book Information:
(Links go to the MWSA Amazon store.)


MWSA Review

MWSA William Gilbert was the B.A.R. Man, not unique, not the only one. But his compelling story told to Clyde Hoch will have you turning pages until you reach the end.

His experiences were many and varied, his capture and subsequent release years later will have you asking why? Why or how can America treat a POW different than any hero. A 200 mile march, unbelievable living conditions at the hands of the North Koreans, Chinese and Russians is part of the Korean War not often told, most often whispered. If history interests you read Gilberts story, place yourself in his shoes as best you can and then thank him and all those that were POW's or are still listed as MIA.

Reviewed by: jim greenwald (2014)

Author's Summary

Read the incredible true story of a young man who wanted nothing more than to serve his country, in the most honorable manner he knew how, the U. S. Army. He asks to go to fight in the Korean War, He has some amazing adventures. He is wounded by the U. S. Navy, he is captured by the Chinese. He is forced to march 200 miles with no medical attention anf little food and water. He is a prisoner for two and half years only to be released to an ungrateful country.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Hoch, Clyde
greenwald, jim
Work Type: