Anthology Signing Process

Anthology Signing Process - The Glenn Room is our Hospitality Suite, it will have coffee and drinks in it for conference attendees. There will be a table to place your anthology on for signing. When you receive your anthology at the registration (make certain to write your name on the insde cover) desk it will have note paper affixed to the cover with a paperclip. Members are encouraged to make an effort to sign every book (Do not leave your anthology at the registration desk). Once you have signed the book, remove the note paper and write your name on it, this is so you do not leave imprints on the cover, then re-attach the note paper to the cover. It is OK to prop the door open if the room is occupied, but, if you are the last person out the door make certain the door is closed and locked.On Saturday no later than 1:00PM be sure to pick up your Anthology from the Glenn Room (MWSA is not responsible if you forget).  If you need access and the door is locked locate either; Dwight Zimmerman, Betsy Beard, or jim greenwald, they will have access cards to the room.
