Kathleen Rodgers and her agent Jeanie Loiacono on cover of DISPATCHES Magazine


I am humbled and honored to be featured with my agent, Jeanie Loiacono, on the cover of the Spring 2014 issue of DISPATCHES, the magazine from Military Writers Society of America. 



It's an incredible honor to be featured on a magazine for and about writers. When editor ‪Pat McGrath-Avery approached me and said they wanted to feature Jeanie and me on the cover, I was simply stunned. There are so many other writers in the organization who are just as deserving. This photo captures the excitement and energy that was swirling around us at our first meeting when Jeanie offered to represent my work. I am very grateful because my writing journey has taken me on some hairpin curves, through dark valleys, and even to the top of a few mountains. Today, as I look at this cover, I'm standing on the top of a mountain and feeling blessed and grateful.



Pat McGrath-Avery did an outstanding job on the article she wrote about my writing journey  (found on page 24):

“When Jeanie Loiacono of Loiacono Literary Agency offered to represent Kathy, she not only found an agent, but also a kindred spirit. Jeanie is an Army veteran and the daughter of a career Air Force veteran.”

My essay about loss, rejection and success appears on page 25. Many thanks also to Joyce Faulkner for her hard work on this issue.




Kathleen M. Rodgers’ second novel Johnnie Come Lately is forthcoming from Coffeetown Press, February 1, 2015. Her first novel The Final Salute has been featured in USA-Today and The Associated Press. The book won a Silver Medal from MWSA in 2009.


Kathleen M. Rodgers
Award-winning author
Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency