Red Legs of the Bulge: Artillerymen in the Battle of the Bulge

Book Information:
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MWSA Review

"Red Legs of the Bulge" draws the reader inside the lives of an artillery unit during arguably one of WWll's bloddiest battles.

The author using hundreds of hours of careful research and focusing on the 106th. Infantry Division, while acknowledging other units draws you into the battle and the lives of those that lived it.

History buffs will enjoy the effort and story, casual readers will come away with a better understanding of what war is and does.

The escape of a few men from the Germans creates a story within a story, demonstrating the will and courage of those that fought. This is a book worthy of your time.

Reviewed by: jim greenwald (2015)

Author's Summary

Red Legs of the Bulge tells the true story of artillerymen during the Battle of the Bulge.
Battery personnel were some of the first to get hit by enemy shells during the battle. The front line came to them as never before. German infantry and tanks bypassed the infantry screen and rolled up on their positions. In an age of indirect fire and advanced observation techniques, direct fire on a target became commonplace. Others, fighting with carbines and bazookas, held off many a thrust by the enemy, some even fighting hand to hand. Desperate artillery observers had to call down fire on their own positions to help stave off oncoming Panzers.




Author(s) Mentioned: 
Kelly. C.J.
greenwald, jim
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