Tears for Mother Earth

Book Information:
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 Author's Summary

This book is about a concern we should all share, keeping this planet, our home, alive for future generations to enjoy. It is about saving our planet, raising awareness, creating a concern within each person to do something rather than sitting back and wishing. I hope that something I wrote spurs you to action, to become involved in the saving of this planet. It would be hard to imagine a person not concerned enough to act to save what they have for their children, who deserve no less. That oft used phrase of “what can I do, I am only one person” rings hollow, for there is much an individual can do.

MWSA Review

MWSA 2009 Gold Medal for Poetry, Book of Poetry

Mr. Greenwald's abiding appreciation of life and the environment is obvious as he gives voice to what's on his heart and mind in his most recent work, Tears for Mother Earth.   
Tears for Mother Earth is a collection of deeply insightful and thought provoking writings on behalf of an endangered planet -- our planet.   Although broaching a sobering subject, the poet skillfully imparts passages of breathless beauty among the poignant depictions of a dying planet.  The poet certainly gives the reader pause for profound reflection and self examination.  One has no choice but to conclude that saving Mother Earth is not the job of one individual.  It is the job of each individual.  After reading Mr. Greenwald's effective compilation, this reader stands ready to do her part.
I highly recommend Tears for Mother Earth to both lovers of thoughtful writings, and advocates for saving our planet.  It is sure to please both palates as the poet has a remarkable gift of phrasing, and an innate love of the environment. 

Reviewed by: Claudia Pemberton (2009)

Author(s) Mentioned: 
greenwald, jim
Pemberton, Claudia
Work Type: