Bible Promises for Soldiers

Book Information:
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 Author's Summary

This book is a must read for soldiers and those in other branches of the military who are facing or who will face a deployment. It examines the role of the soldier from a biblical perspective. It examines the lives of some of the greatest warriors in the bible and the strategies they used to defeat their enemies. This book contains over 100 promises from the bible specifically for soldiers. They are promises of protection, deliverance, strength and encouragement for those facing the challenges of deployment and war. This book is powerful, uplifting, and encouraging. Do not go to war without reading this book.

MWSA Review

MWSA 2009 1st Runner Up for Non-Fiction, Inspirational

That old adage "you can't judge a book by its cover" certainly applies to "Bible Promises for Solders".  And by cover -- I mean size.  This book may be small, but it packs one heck of a hefty wallop!  It is not only a wonderful teaching tool, but is a great source of comfort and inspiration as well.
Author J.M. Barnes knows of what she speaks.  Twenty plus years as the wife of a U.S. Soldier affords her first hand knowledge of what military life is all about -- the good and the bad.  
Even readers with a sound background of Bible doctrines and truths, will be enlightened by Barnes' quotes and interpretations.  Patriotic readers will find this book reaffirming and consoling.   Non-patriots will be challenged, and hopefully persuaded to wave a flag and thank a soldier.
The cover is moving and ingenious -- a copy of the Bible clutched in the arm of a soldier.  I found it appropriate and very effective.
It was a privilege to be invited into the heart and mind of a soldier's wife.  I came away with an even deeper understanding and abiding love and appreciation for America's mighty military.  

Reviewed by: Claudia Pemberton (2009)

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Barnes, Jacqueline
Pemberton, Claudia
Work Type: