The Lost Priest

Book Information:
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 Author's Summary

Once again, in his longest novel thus far, The Lost Priest, Karl Boyd works his magic and paints vivid pictures with words to bring a diversified cast of characters to life in a two part adventure/thriller/romance tale set in Texas, Bermuda and the steamy jungles of Brazil.  

MWSA Review

Trekking through the hazardous jungles of Brazil to rescue his twin brother from certain death at the hands of a murderous medicine man, Tim Fitch finds unexpected beauty, happiness and a new beginning. As the story unfolds, he's reunited with his estranged daughter and given a second chance at a family life. Tom Fitch begins to question his faith and future after narrowly escaping decapitation and an all too-close call with a plaster sugar container. But it takes a soulless beast from the cold depths of the ocean to shake him to his core and cause him to change his vocation, which forever alters the lives around him. The story centers around the Fitch family and spans across many miles. We meet and witness each character as they serendipitously find love, purpose and fulfillment in their travels.
The story opens powerfully to a great white shark, feasting upon unsuspecting humans on his circular path from Bermuda to Brazil. Carried along by Boyd's word-tide of strong and powerful descriptions in the first chapter, the net of visualization entangled and hauled me along for the rest of the story.

The Lost Priest is a true romance novel successfully masquerading as a thriller. Everyone but the lone shark (and quite possibly the crazed medicine man) finds passion and reason in this triangle of the world between Texas, Brazil and Bermuda. This substantial book is a quick and fun read, most likely written for the sentimental among us. 

Reviewed by: Sandra Miller Linhart (2011)

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Boyd, Karl
Linhart, Sandra Miller
Work Type: