Cast the First Stone

Book Information:
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 Author's Summary

It starts as just another routine murder case for Army CID Agents Edward "Easy" Behr and his partner, Chelie Bees. A very beautiful young lady shot in the back outside the NCO Club at Fort Buckner, Okinawa, and left lying on the sidewalk to die. However, as it unwinds the agents find themselves involved in a tale of rar reaching, unbelievable horror.

MWSA Review

J.E. “Buck” Ballow’s Cast the First Stone is a fun mystery. Edward “Easy” Behr and his partner, Charlie Bees have to look under every stone on that big rock of an island in the Pacific known as Okinawa. The setting is Fort Buckner and a lovely young woman has been murdered on their beat. With no witnesses and few clues, the tough Army cops have to ferret out a twisted killer before the Army brass melts from anger. Mr. Ballow has written an entertaining book with characters a reader can like.

Reviewed by: Mike Mullins (2010)

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Ballow, J. E. "Buck"
Mullins, Mike
Work Type: