Taking My Place in Life Again!

 Editor's Note: Sometimes as we move forward, we want to remember the giants to set in motion our journey. This poem was written by Joe Fabel, one of the first members of MWSA and a book reviewer in 2004 and 2005.

I was invited to the room,

A place filled with people.

That one was missing an arm;

His companion had no left leg.

The one near the wall wanted to

Hear but was without both ears.

The tall fellow grinned through

His reconstructed jaw and teeth.

By the door a trim, sightless gal

Listened inquisitively to the noise.

A therapist assisted one beginner

In walking with an artificial leg.

I studied each soldier closely,

Searching for what made them try.

A dedication, a real determination

Was evident in the expression of each.

Well, I wanted to be like them,

Realistic, ready to join life again.

“Nurse, would you push my wheelchair

Over to those exercise bars, I want to begin.”

by Joe Fabel

© December 2005

Members Mentioned: 
Fabel, Joe