Looking for Editor for MWSA Dispatches

Hi everyone,

As I prepare for the end of my term and stepping back to focus on my own writing more, it's time to start looking for someone be the MWSA Editor. The definition of this job is -- to select what goes into the magazine based on submissions from the membership and MWSA leadership, supervise copy editors and layout designers. Someone in this role should expect to spend about 6-8 hours a month on this activity. The MWSA Dispatches Editor will also receive buckaroos. 

Experience in this role would be great...however, I'm willing to train someone as well.

We are also looking for someone to do layout for Dispatches. It's currently laid out in MSPublisher.

Anyone interested in these roles, please contact me at MWSAPresident@gmail.com





Joyce Faulkner
Author of Windshift, USERNAME, In the Shadow of Suribachi, For Shrieking Out Loud