Recall! Return of the IRR

Book Information:
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 Author's Summary

There hadn't been a full-scale recall of the Individual Ready Reserves since the Korean War. In January of 1991, with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union, many people believed it would take World War III to trigger a recall of the IRR. Many people were wrong. They came from cities and farms and towns in every corner of the country. With only a few days' notice, they quit their jobs, dropped out of college, kissed their girlfriends or wives, and got on planes to Atlanta, Georgia with nothing but the clothes on their backs. They had long hair, beards, and bad attitudes. They descended by the thousands on Fort Benning, Georgia, and they were not happy about it at all.

In this entertaining, true story, the author relates his own experiences as one of the twenty-thousand IRR recalls who were ordered back to active duty in support of Operation Desert Storm. In a story reminiscent of "The Dirty Dozen" times ten thousand, the author takes you through the entire experience from beginning to end. He carries you along for the ride and explains exactly what it was like to be a recall. With the many IRR recalls over the last ten years of warfare, this first hand account could shed some light on how the current era of recalls began.

MWSA Review

Recall! Return of the IRR, the initials mean little to most people (Individual Ready Reserve) but without them the draft would be in place, for they provide the manpower our military needs in time of crisis.

Those that have served know about it first hand, they do not necessarily like it but it is part of the fabric of our military, a much needed part. An integral part of one’s enlistment contract. But, it does without much notice upset lives and families, more so recently since 9/11 than any time in our history.

DePew relates his own story and experience as one of the thousands called up to serve on active duty. The problems and issues this initiates are numerous and DePew gives those unfamiliar with the process a firsthand look inside.

Television has provided us with a safe look at war; DePew gives you the story up close and personal. Most are discharged/separated from the service and do fine; many thousands of others do not. Obvious injury can be seen, it is the internal issues this country has barely touched the surface of that should concern us all and garner all our attention at helping.

Depew relates his experience in a lighthearted way; this is a great book for those who have no close family in the military while proving of interest to those that have served. 

Reviewed by: Jim Greenwald (2012)

Author(s) Mentioned: 
DePew, Doug
Greenwald, Jim
Work Type: