Black Eagle Force: Eye of the Storm

Book Information:
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Author's Summary

The AK-47 instinctively rose toward the Mexican sergeant, and bullets poured out of the suppressor like water from a hose from hell. The only sound Mike heard was the rapid, metallic clack, clack, clack of the bolt cycling, and then he caught a glimpse of two now three more uniformed men with rifles. He could sense the three shooters' intentions as their fingers moved to the triggers. For the first time ever, the inactive Marine had a really, really bad thought ... I'm not gonna make it.'

MWSA Review

Black Eagle Force is a novelized version of a Steve McQueen movie -- not much dialogue and lots of evil-doers. It's big on smiting and revenge and counter-attacks. The characters have access to an endless array of weapons that wreak destruction on vehicles, buildings, and human beings -- both villanous and innocent. It has an idealogical perspective appropriate for the locale and backgrounds of the people who fight their way through adventure after testosterone-laced adventure. 

In fact, I could see this story being successful as a 3-D electronic game. There are really bad guys, political bad guys, and bad guys with a mission. There are old foes with old grudges -- and organized gangs bent on making money off of illegal aliens desperate to steal across the border into America. They advance like snarling space invaders in costume. The reader/gamer/hero reaches for a joy stick and takes down each and every one, earning points depending on the length of the fight and the type of weapon used.

Authors Stienke and Farmer ignite the fire of Clancy audiences -- and deliver on the promise of intrigue, villainy, and the big come back.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Stienke, Buck
Farmer, Ken
Faulkner, Joyce
Work Type: