
Listening to the Voice of Reason as a Military Writer

by Ann DeWitt

Imagine before the first book is distributed by Ingram Book Company that an historian slams a novel based solely on the subject matter.  Now, imagine that you later find out that the goal of said historian is to "put 19th Century American slaves back in their rightful place in American Civil War military history."  Finally, imagine that the first young adult to read the same book receives an "A" on a school book report. 

God + Military Spouse: United Our Families Will Stand

Title: God + Military Spouse: United Our Families Will Stand
Author: Lori Cline
Genre: Non-Fiction, Inspirational
Reviewer: Gail Chatfield

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0981764355

How many times have you gone to relax with friends only to end up in a gripe session about your marriage? You leave feeling even more exhausted and simply depressed. Learn to replace you idle coffee talk with more substantial Christian talk.
We all have problems, but military marriages endure more pressure than the average couple. Discussing marital issues is normal, but it should be done to discover the message of the Bible and what purpose God has for you, your spouse , and your children.
Insanity is when you do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. "Maybe I did not yell loud enough." "Maybe I did not stay silent long enough." " Maybe I should have withheld sex more often." These old tactics don't change anything or anyone, but they certainly do destroy.
Invite God into your marriage, and see how your attitude changes. What do you have to lose? Your way is not working. How about trying God's way?

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Cline, Lori

Bringing Courage to the Courageous

Title: Bringing Courage to the Courageous
Author: Don Williamson
Genre: Non-Fiction, Inspirational
Reviewer: Claudia Pemberton

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 160957687X

This book was primarily a collection of emails sent to hundreds of friends and family members during the author's time in Afghanistan. Spanning fifteen months, it tells of a battalion chaplain's journey on the battlefields of Afghanistan, providing ministry to Soldiers of the 4th Battalion, 319th Airborne Field Artillery Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team from May 2007 to July 2008. The 4-319th would go on to be nicknamed "The Miracle Battalion" being the only battalion in the brigade to not suffer the loss of a Soldier to either wounded in action or killed in action. It tells the story of how God works in and through the lives of our brave men and women in uniform and what they sacrifice on a daily basis to keep our nation free. It is a story that proves miracles still happen on the battlefield today!

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Williamson, Don

I Want To Be The Fat Pretty One: Reflecting God's Esteem

Title: I Want To Be The Fat Pretty One: Reflecting God's Esteem
Author: Lori Cline
Genre: Non-Fiction, Inspirational
Reviewer: Claudia Pemberton

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0984260544

Ladies, why do we allow society to dictate how we feel about ourselves? How we style our hair. How we smell. What style we are wearing. Everything we present to the public is surface appearance.
I am challenging every female to get together and work on your God Esteem. By the end of the book I want you to be able to look into the mirror and see God. I want you to be so full of God that there is no doubt that you are a child of God. We all come in different shapes and sizes. The difference though is one you are born with and the other, your rebirth, is a choice. How do you choose to allow the world to see you?

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Cline, Lori

Prayer Journey Through Deployment, A

Title: A Prayer Journey Through Deployment
Author: Donna Mull
Genre: Non-Fiction, Inspirational
Reviewer: Don Farinacci

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1414115636

When a soldier serves, so does the family. Donna Mull saw that statement on the shirts some military wives were wearing at a Fourth of July parade as they marched with their husbands. Suddenly, that statement had become personal. She had heard stories about mothers whose faithful prayers had changed lives. When her son received his orders for deployment to Iraq, she wanted to be one of those mothers. Equally motivated by love and pain, Ms. Mull embarked on a year-long journey of prayer, writing weekly devotionals that focused on the specific needs of soldiers and their families. She then forwarded them to friends and family, who used them as springboards for their own prayer times. If you have a loved one in the military, chances are you are engaged in a battle of your own. Will your loved one survive? Will you? How will you cope while your soldier is away? When your soldier returns, will he or she be changed?

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Mull, Donna
