
Emotional Melange

Title: Emotional melange
Author: Jim Greenwald
Genre: Poetry
Reviewer: Sandra Linhart

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1462620067

The poet distills words into emotional textures that weave themselves into and through our lives.
Lyrical in ways, covering the gamut of emotions, this his tenth book of poetry tugs at the heart strings, and illuminates the dark corridors of love.
This is a journey of life’s experiences. Sit back, relax and enter this reading journey with tissues in hand.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Greenwald, Jim

With Pen & Feather

Title: With Pen & Feather
Author: Jim Greenwald
Genre: Poetry, Book of Poetry, Native American

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1424118743

This is a work of friendship, of sharing. We decided to join together in an effort to write something that was a bridge of thoughts and ideas. That allowed each of us to express what we feel, have felt and experienced.The words we wrote hold a special meaning to us, they are part of us and come from within. We included poems and stories. Stories are how things and events are handed down - it is oral history and the means by which history was preserved amongst the tribes. Your journey through this book will see us speak of love, emotion, of messages, feelings and a concern for this planet earth (Mother Earth). It is a message of mixed cultural thoughts, an expression of our Native American and non-native cultures. We hope you enjoy your journey with us. We hope to connect with you through our words and thoughts expressed in our writings. If one person sees the meaning and love that life holds, our work will have stood for something good.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Greenwald, Jim
Gerhardt, Ruth Naphas
Katz Cree
Mona Gallagher
Gary Neeley

Mitakuye Oyasin

Title: Mitakuye Oyasin
Author: Jim Greenwald
Genre: Poetry
Reviewer: W.H. McDonald Jr.

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1424138884

This book is a mix of love, loss, the past, respect and survival. This planet we live on (Mother Earth) is in peril, of this no one should have any doubts. The issue is awareness, and whether we are to be part of the problem or part of the solution. What we do now will determine not simply issues of quality of life, but of life itself. If we continue to poison the air, water and seas, this home of ours will die.

He drove to work sipping coffee from a styrofoam cup, and when he finished he pitched it to the side of the road; it is only one styrofoam cup after all. It is a shame we often think of individual instead of collective concerns. For on that morning he was joined by at least a million others with the same thought.

It is time we all hugged a tree!

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Greenwald, Jim

Seen From An Open Window

Title:Seen From An Open Window
Author: jim greenwald
Genre: Poetry, Book ofPoetry

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1430327901

Love touches us all; it can be both wonderful and devastating, sometimes simultaneously.We always seem to get back up, dust ourselves off and wade into it again and again. We each have our experiences, to us unique, but truth be told we can identify readily with each others.

"footprints in the snow" speaks of the desire to start over, something we all wish at times. "you" talks of loss in ones life, it can be from a loved ones passing or leaving, each carries its own scars. "lies in the dark" is about realization, facing the truth which we try so hard at times to avoid. "Sci-fi and reality meet a broom" talks about the adventure of growing up amid adult fears."left right~left right~lets ununite" a little political frustration about our world and its issues.

Each tells a story and hopefully will provide an enjoyable reading experience. Some are of love and its emotions, others about life and growing up. They are both introspection and a view from an open window. I am glad I have this opportunity to share each with you.

You are all invited to look through my window.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Greenwald, Jim

Wishing for Rain

Title: Wishing for Rain
Author: jim greenwald
Genre: Poetry, Book of Poetry
Reviewer: Bill McDonald & Betsy Beard

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1413776701

We all have feelings, wishes and desires, to some expression comes easy while to others an endless struggle or a fight they refuse to join for a myriad of reasons. I have tried here on these pages to express not just my feelings but my perceptions of others feelings. There is nothing more complex than love, look for a definitive definition and surely your search would take years. My inspirations come from many directions, experiences, words overheard, a scene that unfolds before my eyes, a movie, a song. All directed in an endless search to express love and all that it encompasses. I hope my writing draws you in and it becomes part of you, join me in the journey. Enter my book, I hope you enjoy it.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Greenwald, Jim
