
Articles and books about the writing process.

Book Review Requests

How-to Submit a "Request for Review."

On the MWSA website click on "Contact Us"
Go down to Category and select "Book Review Query"
Fill out the form as indicated and in the message portion place:

a) Name of the Book
b) Genre of the Book
c) ISBN and/or ASIN
d) What forms the book is available in (paperback/hardback/Kindle or Nook. etc.) 
e) Include a synopsis of the book


Finding Nuggets of Truth as a Military Writer

by Ann DeWitt

What if you studied a particular military General from the American Civil War era and found that the court of public opinion handed down a verdict without reviewing all of the evidence?  Would you ignore the facts and go with the court of public opinion?  Or would you print in your book the dormant facts in which you uncovered?
