Book Reviews

Reviews of books by MWSA members. Reviews appear in reverse chronological order, with the most recent review posted appearing first.
Note: Some older reviews are being reposted to this site and those will appear out of order.

Prayer Journey Through Deployment, A

Title: A Prayer Journey Through Deployment
Author: Donna Mull
Genre: Non-Fiction, Inspirational
Reviewer: Don Farinacci

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1414115636

When a soldier serves, so does the family. Donna Mull saw that statement on the shirts some military wives were wearing at a Fourth of July parade as they marched with their husbands. Suddenly, that statement had become personal. She had heard stories about mothers whose faithful prayers had changed lives. When her son received his orders for deployment to Iraq, she wanted to be one of those mothers. Equally motivated by love and pain, Ms. Mull embarked on a year-long journey of prayer, writing weekly devotionals that focused on the specific needs of soldiers and their families. She then forwarded them to friends and family, who used them as springboards for their own prayer times. If you have a loved one in the military, chances are you are engaged in a battle of your own. Will your loved one survive? Will you? How will you cope while your soldier is away? When your soldier returns, will he or she be changed?

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Mull, Donna

Book in the Wall, The

Title: The Book in the Wall
Author: John F. Simpson
Genre: Fiction, Literary
Reviewer: Bob Flournoy

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0975509950

The story takes place in the future and creates a realistic and believable vision of a society in which the citizens of the Islamic States of America must learn to live or die; it is a society where Sharia Law is the only law and the ISA is a member of the World Islamic Brotherhood. A startling, powerful, and terrifying novel that draws a vivid picture of a stark society where everyone lives in fear of the thought police. It is a world where the government can outlaw any technology or idea it considers offensive, a world where the most minor of offences is punished by public execution. The story is completely convincing and draws heavily on events that are taking place today in France, England, and Denmark. The author presents an insightful prophetic view of a world our grandchildren may have to endure if we do not act to prevent the nightmare from becoming a reality.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Simpson, John F.

War Remains

Title: War Remains
Author: Jeffery Miller
Genre: Fiction, Literary
Reviewer: Joyce Gilmour

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 0557870135

Robert "Bobby" Washkowiak battles his way through the bitter first winter of the Korean War, longing for home, his wife, and newborn son. Fifty years later, his son and grandson come across his wartime letters and together, they try to find out what really happened to him on one of the battlefields of that "forgotten war."

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Miller, Jeffery

Mullahs Storm, The

Title: The Mullahs Storm
Author: Thomas Young
Genre: Fiction, Thriller
Reviewer: Carmen Stenholm

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): B005ZO6384

A U.S. Air Force transport plane takes off from Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan, carrying a high-value Taliban detainee bound for prison and interrogation. Insurgents shoot down the plane with a shoulder-launched missile, and it crash lands in the Hindu Kush mountains. A strong winter storm makes a rescue impossible. A surviving crew member, navigator Michael Parson, along with a female Army interpreter, must now evade capture in hostile territory with a prisoner who would like very much for them to get caught. A battle for survival begins across some of the most forbidding terrain on earth.

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Young, Thomas W.

Pirates & Cartels

Title: Pirates & Cartels
Author: Lee & Vista Boyland
Genre: Fiction, Thriller
Reviewer: jim greenwald

ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1609109198

Award-winning authors pen a new, exciting page-turner—Pirates and Cartels the debut novel for their OAS series. America’s president, George Alexander, sends his secret weapons, female operatives FBI Special Agent Teresa Lopez, and Delta’s first female shooters, Erica Borgg and Melissa Adams, to Mexico—their assignments—to ferret out corrupt government officials and ID cartel kingpins for termination. Alexander and Mexico’s President Vincente Wolf form a secret alliance and develop a plan to destroy the cartels and their golden goose—the drug trade. Jihadists, and Mexican and Somali pirates throw kinks in the two leader’s plan

Author(s) Mentioned: 
Boyland, Lee
Boyland, Vista
