Prayer Journey Through Deployment, A
Submitted by Joyce Faulkner on December 31, 2011 - 17:57Title: A Prayer Journey Through Deployment
Author: Donna Mull
Genre: Non-Fiction, Inspirational
Reviewer: Don Farinacci
ISBN (links go to the MWSA Amazon store): 1414115636
When a soldier serves, so does the family. Donna Mull saw that statement on the shirts some military wives were wearing at a Fourth of July parade as they marched with their husbands. Suddenly, that statement had become personal. She had heard stories about mothers whose faithful prayers had changed lives. When her son received his orders for deployment to Iraq, she wanted to be one of those mothers. Equally motivated by love and pain, Ms. Mull embarked on a year-long journey of prayer, writing weekly devotionals that focused on the specific needs of soldiers and their families. She then forwarded them to friends and family, who used them as springboards for their own prayer times. If you have a loved one in the military, chances are you are engaged in a battle of your own. Will your loved one survive? Will you? How will you cope while your soldier is away? When your soldier returns, will he or she be changed?